Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Multi-Pass: Wario-Ware: Smooth Moves

Yet another new feature, which you will see returning every week! Multi-Pass is our take on multiplayer games we LOVE!

I recently took a trip up to my hometown of Santa Barbara, CA, and visited family and friends during the Christmas holiday. Both of my brothers (and all of my immediate family, in fact) live there, and we often get together with a friend or two to play some Halo, or Mario Kart, etc.

I don't own a ton of Wii titles that offer up compelling 4-player experiences at this time, so I rented one that I now intend to buy: Wario Ware: Smooth Moves.

Yeah, WarioWare games are weird, odd, quirky and just barely this side of sane, but boy are they fun! I had played the single player mode of this game shortly after Wii's launch, but never got around to trying the multiplayer, which allows up to 12 player participation requiring only one remote (eat that, Halo 3! Just kidding, I still love you, baby!)

I set the Wii up and we got right into it; the really fun part was watching the looks on my brothers' faces as they and a friend of ours tried to play each microgame, not to mention try to understand it! At first they were struggling with the concept, because they hadn't played the single-player mode to get accustomed to the weirdness, but soon they had warmed up and we were all laughing at ourselves.

Few party games offer up the silly, zany combination of fun and originality that this one does, and I can pretty safely say that almost none accommodate 12 players! So, stretch, breathe deep and pass that remote! I've got a virtual nose to pick!

1 comment:

Bofco said...

Wario-Ware is a great game for lots of players. Want to go into seizures? Try Geometry Wars - Galaxies multiplayer (or just the single player mode). Amazingly beautiful, simple graphics. I'd love to see a review on that one too.

Keep up the great work guys.