Thursday, January 22, 2009

ACCESORIZE: Nyko Kama Wireless Nunchuck

I know this has been out for a bit, but I just scored a Nyko Kama wireless nunchuck myself, and wanted to share with you all my impressions...

First off, this is the original design, which Nyko got in trouble with Nintendo over due to its extreme similarity to the official Nunchuck. The wretched, vomit-inducing redesign is now available in stores and on the web, and I've included a picture of it below for comparison.

This is one well crafted and high quality piece of gear, and any Wii fanatic owes it to themselves to pick one up as soon as possible. The nunchuck itself runs on two AAA batteries and claims a life of 30 hours, which I find quite believeable considering the Wii Remote does the same. Connection is easy, with a simple dongle to plug into the bottom of the Wii Remote, a power button on the Kama and a sync button on both. I got setup and working in no time, and the Kama is a dream to play with.

Extravagant? A bit, but I got my Kama for $25 (Wal-Mart), rather than the $35 price tag most other retailers ask. Playing titles like Wii Fit (boxing, anyone?) or The Force Unleashed with this baby is awesome, as there is no cord threatening to choke me with my every move!

Recommendation: BUY, as long as you can get out and find the original style...

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