Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Latest and Greatest!

As I have been 'on a break' (sorry Ross & Rachel) from posting, I've accumulated some games to write about, so I thought I'd start with a list of some of my new faves!

1. Boom Blox - This game has been getting RAVE reviews and TONS of attention from the press and blogs, but hasn't been selling well at all (depending on your point of view). I picked it up on day one and haven't looked back. I'll be posting a Quick Review later.

2. Lego Indiana Jones - Awwww yeah... I loved me some Lego Star Wars back in the day, and this game ups the ante. I can only imagine that Lego Batman will be even better.

3. WiiWare! So far I've downloaded Dr. Mario and Lost Winds, two of the better-received titles on the service. Expect reviews of both.

4. Dr. Layton - On the DS front, I've really been enjoying this quirky puzzle game. No, not falling-blocks or colored-bubbles puzzles, but mind bending brain teasers! Really great stuff, and a totally well put-together package!

There's much, much more, but I'll save it for later!

The Experiment Continues...

So, it's been a LONG time since I posted anything here! Work, Family stuff, and just a generally busy life have kept me from staying with it, so please accept my apologies, if you are among the very small readership here!

Now, I am determined to get back to it, at least on some level. Keep checking back here for some great stuff!